
Hi, I’m Jon. I am the man behind the camera. In todays day and age, having good quality photos that not only represent yourself well, but honestly just make you smile is super important. That’s where I get to come in. My goal with this craft is to take photos that when you look at them, you can say confidently “yep, that’s me!” with a big smile. I desire to work with you in a fun, creative, and unique way. How’s that done well? We all have a really good story and I want to help tell yours with you. The key words being “with you”. I’m not a mindless studio who shows up to take some pictures, waves you goodbye and deliver them to you later. I want get to know you and make this process as stress and awkward free as best I can. Weather it be for work, for school, your big day, or just because-I look forward to creating and telling a really good story with you.

WHo am I?

I love Jesus and people. Some of my favorite things to do outside of photography is to drink coffee, camp and play music. Often in that order. I’m a huge relational person, so back in 2019 when a buddy of mine showed me how to use a camera it not only became a fun hobby to get me out the door and exploring more, but also it gave me a big excuse to talk to people and to get to demonstrate Christs love for people. I’m a huge advocate of a great story and I love the idea of, not only being a small part of your story, but helping you better tell yours with quality photos that will last you generations to come.

